Sharing Your Fitness Journey
A journey is way more fun with friends and partners. They keep you accountable and offer you support. Their wins become your wins. Their losses become your losses. As you share your successes, failures, and struggles, you begin to form the bonds that create the social support structure required for mutual growth. Sometimes, this aspect of achievement doesn't feel like a big deal. You often weave these relationships into your life without noticing. They are critical to your fitness, no matter what your goals are.
Are you trying to gain strength? You'll need the right support system for that.
Are you trying to lose weight? You'll need the right support system for that.
Maybe you're not on a specific program, but you're trying to maintain your health. You'll need the right support system for that!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Make sure you find the right partners with whom to share your fitness journey. The right partners may not always have the same goals you do, but you'll find mutual growth towards your goals with the right people. Here are some great ways to maintain these relationships:
Check Ins

Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash
These don't have to be formal or have any particular structure, but checking in with your partners on a regular basis helps to keep the connection strong, refreshed, and energized. Sometimes, it just says that you're there, and that's enough. Other times, a more intense check in helps to keep you both moving.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Humor is a really important part of the relationship. Laughter is often called the best medicine and for good reason. It can turn foul moods, grim circumstances, and pressure into better experiences, helping you work through them with a moderate amount of sanity. You teach other how to take failure seriously in a fun way, and you motivate each other to keep going.
Give more

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Does your partner need help? Can you help your partner or know somebody who can help them? The more you give, the more you deliver, the more trust you build in the relationship. When you give to others with no expectations, and you desire to see them grow, you strengthen the relationship and produce the goodwill of others. Over the long term, these deposits you make into the relationship accumulate and compound, and you both benefit from your generosity.